I presented Dashboard Design Tips: Creative Ways to Use Images at the 2023 Tableau Conference (#data23). Here are the open learning resources for the presentation, including the demo dashboard, slide deck, image templates, and many more. May these resources help you transform your dashboard design practices!

Kevin Wee (me)
Follow my social media accounts, where I passionately share innovative DataViz designs from other practitioners and me. Feel free to ask questions about my presentation content (or discuss any DataViz matters).

Tableau Conference Learning Resources
Presentation Materials
- Presentation video recording
- Demo dashboard (Tableau Public)
- Slide deck (Figma)
- Demo video: Assemble the dashboard in 12 minutes
- Background images, icons, & annotation layer (Figma template)
- Empty characters (for navigation & download buttons)
- Iconify (free Figma plugin)
- Chantilly’s Icon & Art Guidelines (video)
- Playfair’s How to Create a Boolean Toggle in Tableau
More Examples From Me
- Background image + annotation + navigation tabs
- Background image + annotation
- Background image + toggle switch + customized shapes
- Background image + customized shape
- Background image + toggle switch + dropdown menu
Others’ Dashboard Design Portfolios
- Tableau Public: Viz of the Day
- Tableau Public: Business Dashboards
- Pradeep Kumar G’s profile
- Chimdi Nwosu’s profile
- Dribbble: Dashboards
- Behance: Business Dashboards
May the materials above enable you to create excellent dashboards that help the communities you serve!

Tableau x Figma
I use Figma to generate images and gather icons for Tableau dashboards, including those shown at the Tableau conference. Figma is a user-friendly graphic design tool commonly used in software UI design. An increasing number of data practitioners have adopted it in their DataViz creation.
I developed a Tableau x Figma video series where I introduced Figma and–more importantly–how to integrate both apps in dashboard development. You may leverage the following videos and resources to follow along and learn the content.
How to Create a Background Image
The presentation was at the Colorado Tableau User Group on 15 Mar 2023.
How to Create an Annotation Overlay
The presentation was at the Analytics Tableau User Group on 24 Mar 2023.
For Both Topics
- Demo dashboard
- Background image, annotation layer, company logo (template)
- More learning resources
- LinkedIn post
Stay tuned for more related materials in the near future!